
MADByTE Bioactivity Integration

Data != knowledge.

Well, yes, that’s code… but in a typical laboratory, reams and hard drives full of data can mean a lot of work has been done, but until the important associations are made, prioritization and triage can cost weeks of labor and effort to find known chemistry - or worse.

MADByTE is the first step in the integration of NMR data of complex extracts to bioactivity profiles arising from high content screening campaigns. In an effort to improve downstream processing, the application of MADByTE was fused with multiple antimicrobial screens to provide a prioritization of biologically relevant samples - and the focus of their shared chemistry.

Presenting an update to the MADByTE system, Joe demonstrated this application and became the recipient of the SFU Chemistry Travel Award to present this work at an international conference. Check the poster out yourself! (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20517.45282)
